Thursday, October 18, 2012

Time to invest in.........

A belt.
 I have been loosing about 1-2 pounds per week since I have been biking to work (despite my eating junk here and there, ok, a good bit of the time). The scale moves pretty slow but my work pants are getting big. The ones I have on today could easily be pulled down without having to unbutton or unzip. Now, don't get me wrong, this is a good thing. But I am trying to save money and I really don't want to buy anything (except workout clothes) to wear unless I absolutely have to. Yes, I am saving for my victory trip next year (and the bike I want from REI, don't hate). So I will suck it up and just use a belt for as long as I can. Hey, the cardigans will hide all of the gathering fabric. Smart.

It was raining this morning when I got up so I didn't bike in today. Of course by the time I left my apartment the sun was out. That is usually my luck. If it was sunny, it would be a monsoon when I left. But this will give my legs a bit of a break. Since I took 2 days off this weekend, the ride on Monday was a bit hard so I think just 1 day break at a time will be the happy medium here. I noticed yesterday that my legs are getting a bit stronger....YES!!! I don't have to work so hard to get up some hills. Granted there are some spots that I feel like I am going to pass out after I get to the top, but perhaps by Christmas I will be laughing at those hills. One can only hope. But I need to run to the farmers market on my way home today so taking the truck was probably a good idea. On that means Indian food from Zyka for dinner......sweet!!!!!

Hope everyone is well. Cheers!!

PS if anyone actually reads this crap....feel free to  follow me, or comment, and all that.

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