Thursday, April 18, 2013

Fill in the blank link-up

Ok, so it isn't really a link-up. I just thought these were pretty fun. Enjoy.

1. I laughed so hard I cried when... when I watched the movie Bridesmaids. Hilarious.
2. My high school...reunion is in 4 years. Couldn’t give 2 shits.  
3. It really pisses me off... People lie to me. Especially after they profess to be “honest and decent”. And when you tell walkers/runners “on your left” and they actually move……to their left. Morons!!
4. In ten years... I would like to happily married. Maybe with a rug-rat or 2 (gasp, yeah I just said that).
5. If I could erase one thing... redo my major in college to nutrition.
6. In 1999... I was a sophomore in college and weighed 128 lbs. Thanks to all of the martial arts. By this time next can bet your sweet ass I will be there again.
7. Honestly... this dating shit is for the birds. Shoot me now.
8. To me, Sushi... is awesome. Love it, and then some more.
9. Someone really needs to invent... a weight loss pill that actually works without side effects. And lie detector sunglasses. Someone get on that shit.
10. The first time I drank alcohol... I was 24. I really could care less. All of you gals in college that don’t remember those parties……I do. And you better be glad I didn’t have a camera phone back then.
11. The one question I would ask God is... I have been dating since I was 16. I am exhausted. Where the hell is my guy?

12. Lindsay Lohan... if everyone would just ignore her, she will eventually go away. Same with the Kardashians. Onecan only hope.
Cheers & beers!!!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

And.......we're back!!!

Ok, a word on the previous post….yes I deleted it. Sometimes I really just have to shake my head at some of the situations I get myself into. Ohy. Anyways we are back on track. I actually do want the whole love, marriage, kids, thing…….but with someone that actually means it when they say they want that with me. So back into the dating scene again. And yes, I will find the right guy for me. They kind of guy that makes me realize why none of the other relationships ever worked out before. That’s how you know. I digress.

So on the health front….the biking continues. My rides are getting a bit easier. Finally!!! I thought that shit would never happen. I finally broke out of the 190’s and still going. I did restart the gym membership because I need a bit of structure for my weight training. I do miss the pool too. Since I have kinda slacked off on the plant strong stuff in favor of watching my calories, I do need to add in more fruits and veggies. But I get full pretty quick and I honestly just don’t want to chew anymore damn it!! It might be time to really use the juicer to add in some nutrients with very few calories. Holla!!

The dogwood festival is this weekend so that should be fun. I will hang out with some new friends to check out a band as well. Cool beans. A friend is trying to get me to join the training for the Peachtree road race……I dunno. I would have to get up at 6am for the next however many Saturdays until the race. At some point I might end up punching someone in the face that early in the morning. Hahahaha. No, really, it could happen without caffeine. Be warned.

I ordered some new compression pants to stop the jiggle. Hahaha. Yeah I went there. Hey…….its annoying to work out and the fluff jiggles around. Ain’t  nobody got time fo dat. Hopefully I will get them by Friday. I will put on the skates soon as well. I miss skating. I think I need to start up a meet-up group for skating. Sounds like a good plan. So weight training on Friday (my arms will NOT thank me. At all) and all sorts of shenanigans this weekend.

Hope everyone has an awesome week.

Cheers & beers!!!