Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The food update

I bounce back and forth between eating plans like guys change girlfriends. I can freely admit it. But the biggest issue these days for me is how I feel. And it is mostly like crap. So after I went research-crazy this weekend I decided to revamp my diet to an 80% plant based eating. Which is basically going 80% vegan. I don’t want to go all the way vegan because I love cheese and bacon too damn much. And although I am I loves the furry animals and am all for humane treatment of all creatures, I am not one of those tree-hugging-wingnuts-that-will-not-even-kill-spiders-in-my-apartment-crazies. And when I got bit by one of those said spiders and had to make a trip to the doc because of the reaction.  That was the expiration for that little relationship gem. I digress. But seriously, what kind of a person still refuses to kill the spiders after that? An asshat. And make no mistake, I brought a big jug of home defense and sprayed the shit out of his apartment before he got home a few days later. Ha!!!  This guy also went on an hour rant about how horrible it was that they make insulin from pigs and how that should stop immediately. Well, since no one really used pork insulin at that point, especially me, telling that to an insulin dependant diabetic just sealed that expiration date. And the dude didn’t seem to get it. Perhaps I need to rethink the kind of guys I date. Or at least avoid the hard-core and seriously boring PETA members (yeah go ahead and get your knickers in a wad PETA members, I really don’t give a shit. I love you all, but that dude gives you a bad name).  Digressed again.


Anyways, I am going plant-based to feel better. Loosing the weight will have to be put on the back-burner for a while. Because my main goal here is for my heart health. I am scared shitless of my heart failing or anything under that umbrella. My family history for heart problems and being a type 1 diabetic has put me at serious risk level. So something has to be done here. And I am going to do it, like yesterday. And that goes for the processed foods too….bye bye. I really don’t drink much milk anyways and there really is no reason to. I don’t think humans were meant to consume other animal’s milk in the first place. Plus visiting a dairy farm (the industrial version) was enough to send me to almond milk. Yeah it taste kinda weird but I like it. I have always had a soft spot for the weird stuff, and people too. You know who you are you crazy weirdo nerds J.


So if you are curious….here is a sample of what I eat…..

Breakfast:  2 eggs with lots of veggies, roasted potatoes, a piece of fruit, coffee

Snack: apple with almond butter

Lunch: ghingas grill: lots of veggie stir fry with brown rice

Snack: almond milk

Dinner: stir fry again with tempeh, bok choy, and whatever veggies are in my frig, mango for desert


So this is pretty much it for today. Hope everyone has a great week.

Cheers & beers!!!


On another note…..if you are going to complain about my rants, do me a favor and just don’t. How about offering up some useful comments instead.


  1. A guy was upset because of pig insulin? What a douche. I'm getting a Vitamix soon for juicing.

  2. Yeah he was a douche, a super boring bla douche lol. And still didn't budge on his stance when I asked him if all of the diabetics should have died for the pigs sake. I sure can pick em'. Vitamix? Not really familiar with this. If it is a bunch of chamicals stay away from it.
