Thursday, January 10, 2013

The dating of dating sites and other disasters

Ohhhhhh the online dating. I have some mixed views on this one. More so on the negative side. Like anyone is surprised about that one. Of course everyone knows someone that knows someone that found the love of their life from one of the online sites. I actually know 2 people directly that married the person they met online. But I find that …..that is the exception, not the rule. So allow me to evaluate 3 of the sites that I have used.

 E-harmony was the first and most expensive. One would think that you would find a better caliber of person if they could shell out the cash for the site. Not so much. What looks good on a resume doesn’t make someone a good or decent person by any means. Although I did meet some guys with good jobs and education, I found that with that they just get better at hiding the bullshit. Really, the better educated you are correlates with the better liar you are. And no, that doesn’t mean all of them were liars (guys before you get your knickers in a twist). It is just what I found through my experience. But here are a few tips to take away from this one:

1.       If the guy is all about an instant relationship on the 2nd date, run run run.

2.       If he is more interested in how much your parents make, run even faster.

3.       Go ahead and assume that the dude just wants to get into your pants, because he will probably have better skills to get there, then say someone you met on POF.

4.       Unless HE brings up the exclusivity conversation  first, don’t let that asshat in your pants.

5.       Always assume that he is dating 5 other chicks at the same time, unless see # 4.

Next up is This site is moderately priced and I got all sorts of peeps to sort through. The resume selection on match was not as stellar as eHarmony. It was easier to weed through the losers on this one. But this site also brought the con artists a bit. Mostly the guys looking for some “dirty” phone conversation. I mean really? Kind of defeats the purpose of being on the site. You can usually tell by reading the profiles carefully for those little gems. Now I did date a guy from this site for a bit. But it turns out he didn’t really know how to be in an ADULT relationship. And instead of just saying he wasn’t into the whole thing anymore, managed to ruin my birthday instead. Joy oh joy. Classy.  So here are the lessons to take away from good ole match:

1.       Guys from other countries are not as exotic as you think. Be very careful with these. That accent may be nice, but don’t overlook the BS that is coming out of his mouth at the same time.

2.       Hang up on the dude if he starts the dirty talk on the FIRST phone conversation. Seriously….there are 900 numbers for that crap.

3.       If your friend pays for the entire table at your birthday meal and your guy can’t be bothered to say thank you or even offer to pay…..kick his ass to the curb ASAP, no exceptions. This guy needs to be sent back to his mama for some lessons n manners.

4.       Go ahead and follow 1-5 on the eHarmony tips.

Oh plenty of fish………..the most entertaining of the 3. This one is a free site. And with the free comes the plethora of losers and even bigger losers. This awesome site brought me the biggest piece of shit I have ever had the unfortunate experience to date in my life. Considering my dating history, that is really bad. Now I did meet some nice guys on this site, but with these I would be the primary bread winner of the relationship. And that is just damn sad. And I prefer someone with at least SOME college. The first 2 years of college are basically a dummy test. My big issues here is that most educated guys do not think the credit card will get paid off by the magic money tree that is going to spontaneously sprout up in the back yard.  Managing your finances is not rocket science. As a grown adult you should be able to do that on your own. I digress. Back to the site thing. The weeding out of the morons/losers is super easy. For example, the first email that I got consisted of “sup?”, “yummy”, “hey sexy, whats up?”, and my favorite……”are you one of those prude sort of girls?”.  And those really are the tip of the iceberg. Granted reading the “first” emails is always entertaining. I really wonder if any chicks actually respond to these. Ohy. But here are some tips that I REALLY suggest you follow with this particular site:

1.       Do not respond to any email that I mentioned above or even close.

2.       Assume they are ALL trying to get in your pants.

3.       The pictures look nothing like the real person so be prepared.

4.       If the guy can’t answer a direct question with yes or no, you bet your sweet ass he is lying.

5.       You might find quantity on this site, but go ahead and assume you will never find quality.

6.       If a guy shows up completely stoned to your first meeting, run run run.

7.       If a guy asks for a ride to the train station after your first meeting, block his number but run first. And no, do not give rides to people you don’t know.

8.       If your friend asks what your guy does for a living and he says he works here….. and when asked what he does there replies”I am a boss there”, congrats, you have your con artist and shady individual.  Run hard as hell!!

9.       Never invite these weirdo’s to your place or even tell them where you live.

10.   Beware the shady con artists!!!!


So that is my spheel on the dating sites. I have too many disasters to list on this blog for this subject. Don’t get me wrong, these have been valuable experiences for future dating. At lest I know all the cons, lies, and ticks, to make better options in the future. And you get a laugh out of it. Cheers all!!!

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