Monday, February 25, 2013

Why your diet isn't working

Everyone wants that magic pill or super secret on how to get skinny with zero effort while being able to eat whatever you want. Yes, you bet your ass I am one of those people too. So I will give you a super secret as to why your diet is not working……….portion control DOES NOT WORK. I will go into scientist mode and explain why. It is WHAT you are eating that is creating the issue here. For instance….I can eat an entire pizza made on a whole grain crust with kalmata olives, roasted peppers, roasted egg plant, tomatoes, grilled mushrooms, and lemon shavings, for about 300-400 calories. YOU (think weightwatchers member here) can eat 1 small slice of pepperoni pizza from pizza hut for the same calories. Guess who will get hungry in 20 minutes? Not me. You will get frustrated, annoyed, and finally give in to eating ½ of the whole pizza because the pleasure that the fat-salt-sugar combination gives you is too hard to pass up. I can eat w whole pan of vegan lasagna and still not clock in a fraction of the calories as your “splurge” meal of a small hamburger and small fries from McDonalds. I will be bursting at the seams with my meal. Ok, I would never be able to eat even a fourth of the tray of my vegan lasagna before I am about to bust a gut. But I will feel like a million bucks after my meal while you fell like you just lubed your insides with Crisco.


Guys…I have been there. I have tested this theory many times over. Sure Weightwatchers will help you loose weight, but you will still feel deprived. Even with your splurge meals. There is a reason why that company makes so much money……because you are addicted to the “plan”.  It isn’t really a lifestyle change, although they try to push that theory. A diet, is a diet, is a diet. It isn’t designed for you to be able to kick the plan and go it alone and be successful on your own. Do you want to count points/calories/carbs  for the rest of your life? Trust me on this. I have tried every diet on the damn planet with no lasting results and damage done to my body.


You can follow a plant-based whole foods lifestyle for the rest of your life. Will it be easy…..hell no. will you have to count anything again…..nope. Will you get full on ALL of your meals and still loose weight and save your heart……you bet. Will you need to depend on a site that you have to pay for, for the rest of your life……not a chance. I canceled my WW account for the last time last week. Never again.


I have noticed an annoying issue when at work that is counter productive to my weight loss efforts. I get really hungry around 5ish and it makes me want to go crazy on some not so healthy foods. I think I need to add more to my lunch so I can have an afternoon snack. By the time I make it home I want to chew my arm off. Not good.

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