Friday, November 1, 2013

I like fall because.......

Lets get real here. Facial hair on a dude is my main weakness. No joke ya'll.

Hello, five o'clock shadow.

There's something so manly (or Thunder-Godly) about some scruff. If I wanted to make out with a smooth face, I'd kiss a woman mkay?

So that brings me to my favorite month of the year (because it's conveniently now).

Novembeard. Movember. No-shave November.

A month where guys are encouraged to have constant furryface from 5 o'clock shadows to full on mountain man. I dig it. (Unless you have a weird beard. Be cool, man.)

I meannnnnnnn, yeah. At the very least, you have a good head start.

Do you also have arm muscles? Can you fix things? Let me give you my number.

You don't have to go full-on caveman. I just want you to have enough facial hair to look slightly rugged and dirty but still smell like some kind of musky man smell (like rich mahogany). Is that so much to ask? Also, please ensure that your beard doesn't smell like rotten milk and/or feet. Beard stank is NOT sexy.

Looks like it's getting pretty serious.

A quick note about the 'stache. I'm not on board with a mustache sans beard unless you're Tom Selleck, and even then I'm ehhhh about it. To each his own, though.
Happy Friday all!
Cheers & beers!!!!
**Pictures (and perhaps some wording as well) borrowed from Nerky Megs blog. Cause she rocks.

Monday, October 28, 2013

New things

So some new things starting tomorrow. I will be doing a weight training program. Yippee! If you want to see better results on your weight loss then weight training is the way to go. Yes, I will still be biking to work (when it isn't raining) but the weights will go for 4 days a week. I am paying for a gym membership so might as well use it. I know shame on me for being a slacker.

I will be posting my meals for a bit. And don't yell if I skip some because I tend to forget stuff. Getting old kinda sucks. HA! I will not be posting the daily stuff on facebook because lets face it I want to sit on my arse when I get home and watch at least 1 show. That is just about the amount of time I get before the pupsters starts barking at me for not paying attention to him. I lubs my little furry kid. Even though he drives my crazy and ran into my face this weekend and gave me the worse nose bleed of the century.

So check back tomorrow night or the next morning to see what I get my crazy arse into.
Cheers & beers all!!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Still here

So did you miss me? Eh, probably not. That’s ok. I will go cry in my corner when I have the time. Ha! So what is new in the life of Jill……lots.

Let’s start with the neighborhood update. The asshats that live across the street from me…..slashed all 4 of my tires. Douche bag rednecks. But hey, my mom felt sorry for me and paid for most of my tires. Not to mention the fact that I REALLY needed new tires anyway. Guess its better that is happened like that or I would have been put a few hundred bucks. So mom rocks! You know how karma has a way of coming back and biting you in the ass? Well, the guy that slashed my tires had a stroke a few weeks after the tires. And while in the hospital (still there I think) he roomie died. So no more trailer trash neighbors. At least for a good bit. Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t wish bad things on anyone. But it is super hard to muster any sad feelings for these guys after what they did. Oh and the dude that got my tires also was harassing 2 girls that live on the top floor and threatened one of them. Yeah, no sad feelings here. I think everyone on the street was tired of the cops being over there once a week.

 Anyways, on to happier things. The puppy is doing well at his 65 pound self. He just got fixed 2 weeks ago and is still just a hyper as he was before. Ohy. He had to wear the cone of shame for a week. I think it bothered me more than him. I have the bruises to prove it. He needs some serious training because he minds like a 2 year old. I know he is only 7 months old, but little dude is driving me craycray with the jumping on the counters and all that. Any ideas? Super cheap or free please.

 Food and exercise……….improving. Cause you guys know I can’t stick to anything longer than a week right. Especially if I have to drive somewhere or do something that greatly deviates from my normal routine. Just being honest there. I have cut my portions of junk to very small and increased my whole foods to up the volume. It has been working pretty well. I get to eat what I want in small portions and get in the nutrition with my fruits and veggies. Winning! I do need to do a revamp of some of the things that I eat. Since I have started biking back to work I am hungry ALL THE DAMN TIME. Since I don’t normally snack much I tend to turn to higher calorie options. That needs to change. I need to add in some protein I think. Otherwise, I don’t feel full at all.  Jerky anyone? Whole Foods make some good jerky without all of the chemicals. I wonder if trader Joes does as well. Perhaps some reduced fat cheese might work as well. But that is still pretty high in calories. Hmmmmm.

 On the job front……..kill me now. This place is sucking the life out of me. I have been here for 7 years and they are hiring kids fresh out of college making more than I am. So I am trying to find a job in San Diego. Yep, getting the hell out of Georgia is happening. At least I am working on it. But I am seriously discouraged. I have been applying to jobs for almost 1 month and have gotten 1 call back. Seriously? I have a good resume so I don’t know what the hell is up with this crap. But make no mistake, as soon as I find a job I am out of here. So start praying for me because finding a job in San Diego will take divine intervention.

 Cheers & beers all!!

Friday, July 26, 2013

Yes I have kids......a cat and a dog

Hello crazy people. Hope everyone is doing well. So I am back on the mend after a repeat of a sinus infection and bronchitis. Make no mistake; I hate that coughing shit more than anything. I still cough a bit and can feel some nasty junk in my lungs. Super awesome. But at least I feel much better than I have in the last 2 weeks. The doctor gave me one of those albuterol inhalers. Seems to work pretty good but it make me bounce off the walls like a spider monkey cracked out on Starbucks.

I have lost a few pounds over the past few weeks. I think it has been from walking the new puppy all the time. Hey whatever works. He gets his walkies and I get a smaller ass. Win, win. The little dude is a bundle full of energy so I will take him along when I start the couch to 5K program. Yes you heard that right, this ass will be yogging (as my brother calls it). Not normally I think runners are complete psychopaths. You really wouldn’t catch me running unless there was a psycho clown with a bloody knife chasing me.  But something must be done to get the junk outta this trunk. It will help expend some of the furballs energy so he will not try to chew up everything in my apartment. Yay!!  I haven’t been riding my bike since I have been sick so I will get back in the saddle on Monday. And yes the rides will suck for a few weeks. Oh well. I am not a fan of putting gas in my car. Dislike. Like that shit is made of gold and fairy dust or something.


So that’s the word for today. The Atlanta ice cream festival is tomorrow at Piedmont Park. Yes, I will be there. It is pet friendly so I will probably bring the pupsters.

Cheers & beers!!!

And because I would marry the guy that said this to me........

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Still here

Hello all. Did you miss me?  Crickets? Well here is the scoop about what has been goin on these days. I am sick with a sinus infection. Again. I am super pissed about this shit. I was just sick in May. My 4th was mostly spent in bed or walking the puppy. Oh I adopted a lab puppy. He is super cute and a handful. I haven’t used my paper shredder at all since I got him because apparently shredding any sort of paper just thrills him to no end. We are still working on the potty training. Houdini scared the pups at first but now he runs from the dog. So of course he thinks the cat wants to play. Ohy. But they will get used to each other eventually.
I need a trick to kill this sinus infection like yesterday. I was told of an Irish cure but I am out of whiskey. Sigh. But since I feel like total hell I will try anything at this point. I have not been able to ride my bike since before the 4th. But walking the dog has helped, when I am not coughing my head off. Yeah, super annoying. The little furball has a lot of energy so I need to get better right this damn second so I can actually jog with him when I get home.
On the dating front…….well…..I just really don’t give 2 shits right now. I am super tired of having to rid my life of compulsive liars. And that is all Atlanta seems to offer. Sad. But I handed off my online dating to one of my besties and her hubs to see if they can find a quality dude. Obviously my standards have slipped, so I will let them see what they can find. Hey it’s a win, win. She has a good man and neither of them would pick a looser for me. A guy’s opinion on this crap would be super helpful too. Seriously, they are the tits.  
I am looking for a new job too. Gotta spruce up the resume this week. I HATE writing resumes. I am going to look for something in San Diego probably. I have had enough of Atlanta. Plus, who would argue with surfing for your morning “gym time”? Not me. I am already packed. So if anyone knows of anything please let me know.
And of course the weekly dating tip……If you think someone is shady……you are probably right. Always trust your instincts.

Cheers & beers!!!

Photo: Must. Destroy. Bone. Hehehe.
Photo: Nap time.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Manly men.......

I love men. I'm talking manly men. The kind of guy with man stank. He also cleans up nice, but I prefer him shirtless.

He's good with his hands (YEAH he is) and can fix anything from my car to my computer. Oops, my car is broken. I need you to come fix it and take off your shirt, please. It's required for you to fix it properly.

He has manly hobbies like telling me I'm pretty and building things, or pretty much anything outdoorsy.

He probably has a beard too, because that's what separates real men from women and children. None of that douchey facial hair business. Soul patches are not okay, ever.

He's strong and can lift me up. (Against the wall. If you know what I mean.) He's so muscular because he takes his duty to defend my honor seriously.

He's also sweet and gentle. And nice to his mom. When I'm stoked about getting tickets for Wicked, my ideal manly man would pray to Stormtrooper Jesus that I don't drag him along with me, but he would go if my friends were busy. What a nice guy.

But how do I meet these men? I'm a bohemian, kayaking, biking, brutally honest chick and I tend to attract nothing but compulsive lying douchebags crazies with mental health issues/musicians/etc. Opposites attract?

Maybe I need to hang out at Home Depot more. Or learn how to hunt and fish.

Happy Friday. Cheers & beers!!
PS: I took a bit of this post from

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

My top 10

Now I was chatting with a co-worker about the new superman movie and how the dude is FREAKIN HOT!!!! Jusy sayin. You wing-nuts know I believe in radical honesty and practice it with a vengeance. So I put together my list of my top 10 hotties and what I would like them to say to me when I walk in the door.  Your welcome.

"Hey girl.....I cooked dinner for you.......and desert. Oh and I took out all of the calories out too."

Can I have 2 of you please?


 "Hey get both of us!"

Why have 1 when you can have 2?

Ummmmm I think my pants just fell off!!

When did Neville become the hot one? Ummmm who cares, I will take.

Do you really want to know about my underwear? Like you would be able to keep anything on around this guy. Yeah I went there. You know you were thinking the same thing too. Don't lie.

I will make the exception on my rule on British guys for these two. You would too. Don't hate.

"Hey girl......feel this shirt I am wearing. Do you know what that feels like? Husband material.

He's from New Zealand. Do I really need another reason here?

Cheers and beers all!!!

Monday, June 24, 2013

That's what she said.....

Hi there crazy peeps. I hope everyone is having a rockin summer so far. I know I am. This weekend I got to sit on my ass all day Sunday and it was awesome!!! Normally when the weather even starts to get warm I am running around from the second I get off on Friday to when I attempt to get to bed on Sunday night. Sigh. Don’t get me wrong, I love hanging with my wing-nut friends cause they are the tits. But I do need some sleep. I normally walk into work on Mondays like a damn zombie hahahaha. Seriously. My answer to any questions before coffee is a grunt and an evil look.


I have been kayaking most weekends with my usual kayak crew (you crazies are the tits too, just sayin). I really need to hit the gym and gain some upper body strength. Cause dat ass is slow on the paddle. I am not doing the training for the Peachtree race. I will be honest….. I slacked off on the training during the week. And if you can’t do that week day training, you will NOT make it on the Saturday runs. Promise. I do walk up Stone Mountain instead. Go me!! I drag my friend Jo with me (me  wuvs you for being my workout buddy!!).  

On the food front…..last week I basically eliminated processed foods and it went really well. Saturday and especially Sunday I kinda fell off the wagon. Back on that shit today though. Eating crap makes me feel like ass, so I am off to the market after work to pick up fresh fruits and vegies. Oh yes. I will have to start getting up earlier and eating breakfast before my bike ride to work though. Apparently if you don’t eat anything your body starts burning muscle. Now that shit sucks. I get up at 7 and usually don’t eat breakfast until around 10am. That is the theory why my body wants to hang on to the weight. Ain’t nobody got time fo dat.

I will do a bunch of prep work on Sunday, or today since I decided to be lazy yesterday. Don’t hate. I need to make snacks so I can do smaller meals during the day. That will require more insulin of course, sigh. Just call me the human pin cushion. Whatever it takes to get the junk outta this trunk. Holla!!


And your day would not be complete without the dating tips for the day. Ladies…… trust your instincts. They are there for a reason and will never let you down. If some dude professes his undying love for you and you kinda giggle to keep your brain from making you shout out “bullshit”…… like hell. Trust me on that one. I know we all want to believe the pretty little words, but in the end, you will be happy you kicked that doucher to the curb. Now don’t hate. This is solid gold advice for all. Your welcome!!

Cheers & beers!!!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

New Plan

I don’t have a problem with food, I am just a creature of habit. And you know what my bad habits are……

1.       Sitting in front of the TV after dinner until I fall asleep on the couch

2.       Eating junk food for dinner in front of the couch because my kitchen is in such a mess that I don’t want to cook anything

3.       My kitchen is a mess….not good for food prep

4.       Not doing any food prep

5.       Buying groceries, then eating out all of the time because of above habits


There is no faking it….this chubby chick gets lazy. That is especially true when it is hot outside. To say that my bike rides leave me a hot sweaty mess is an understatement. But I rode my bike to and from work I deserve to eat a crap ton of junk for dinner right? Wrong bitches!!! This horrible thinking has caused me to pack on a few pounds over the last few weeks. I waste too much money on food that I let sit in the frig. And all of this is what WILL help me reach my goal. Sigh. So I am going to test out yet ANOTHER theory to help me not waste food.

Buy just what I need from whole foods. Cause when you pay out the ass for it you are less likely to let it go to waste. I would rather pay a bit more for quality and reach my goal than let the cheaper stuff rot and stay fat. Hey, it seems logical to me. I a, always starving by the time I get home. So its kind of a pain when you are a diabetic……you need a snack but have to take yet another insulin shot. Damn it. I take 4 shots a day as it is. Eh, might as well suck it up and do the afternoon snack thing. If it helps me not binge like I just got home from fat camp, so be it.

So I will say goodbye to all processed foods. White breads, rice, sugar, yadda yadda yadda. 2 cheat meals a week, but ½ of the meal has to be clean foods.

I know I know. I had a million and one plans, but none of them ever turned out the way I planned. But I am tired of being fat people. This shit has caused me a crap ton of annoyance. More on that one later.

Cheers & beers!!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The weekly update

So hi there crazy people. How has life been treating you? Been pretty busy around here these days. On a sad note…….I  had to get Batcowcat put to sleep this past weekend. She was pretty sick and in pain. I am glad she is not in any pain anymore. Sad, sad, sad. She was the coolest cat ever. Houdini doesn’t know what to do without his big sister around to annoy.

I did a bit of retail therapy at REI after my kitty passed away. Needless to say I got a new sit-on-top kayak. Went down the Taccoa River this weekend to test it out……not the smartest idea to test out a new kayak on a river I have never been on before. But at least I did not flip out of it like someone else. You know who you are hahahaha.

I was up in the mountains for Memorial Day weekend and did a bit of hiking. Note to self: do not attempt that shit after doing a 5K the same morning. My legs were not having any of the horse squeeze.

Honestly my weekends have been to damn bust and I roll into work on Monday morning like a zombie. But oh well. I have too much fun doing lots of stuff. Another kayaking run is in the works for this Sunday at Lake Lanier. Much more calm for a new kayak.

I had to stop the training for the Peachtree. I am not able to do the week assignments and the last training about killed me. Worry not my friends…..I have substituted walking up Stone Mountain on Saturday mornings instead. That just about killed me to but there is no increase in distance or anything, you can just walk up faster (like monkeys will fly out of my ass).

On the riding front……I still ride my bike to work. I have a feeling that I will need to leave my place a bit earlier because it is pretty hot when I leave at 8:45 in the morning. And it will only get worse with the heat. Since the gym is across from my office I should leave earlier and get in some weight training before work.

On the eating stuff…….well I have just been doing whatever the hell I wanted to for the last weeks or so. I am on a mission to cut out processed foods and see how that works. Will see how it goes for a week and will report the results. Starting tomorrow.

Cheers & beers !!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Hey now

Greetings crazy peeps. I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the nice weather. I am. Well, now that I don’t have to do the training in the rain. That shit sucked ass. Oh and I ended up with a nasty sinus infection last week and a bit before. Not cool. I did manage to medicate myself enough to do the training that was a bit more than a 5K last weekend. Whew hew!!!  Yeah I wanted to fall on my face afterwards but hey…..progress!!  Tomorrow will be 4 miles. Shoot. Me.  Now.  I will have to go at a bit slower pace for this mess tomorrow. I have some hiking planned a bit later tomorrow so let’s all hope I don’t do some epic face plants on that one.

On the diet front…….don ‘t even ask. I have just been working on getting in more fruits and veggies. The end.

So what’s goin on this weekend……, heading up to the mountains for some outdoor fun. Jazz festival is going on at Piedmont Park. The smell of funnel cakes is calling me. Oh yes. Might check it out on Monday. With a funnel cake. What……I am not the only one that loves that shit. Don’t judge.

 And the dating/relationship words of wisdom for the week……..Don’t let bad past experiences shatter the present and future awesome possibilities. Yeah we all have dated some “winners”  but leaving that baggage at the door is the best thing you can do. Because regrets are a waste of time. They are the past, crippling you in the present. That’s what she said.

Cheers & beers you crazy wing nuts!!! Have an awesome weekend!!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Fill in the blank thing....again.

So here is one of those things again. Enjoy !!!

My best friend says... I crack her the hell up.

People call me... something between a punk-rock chick and a bohemian sort of girl.


I most often dream... about being on the beach.


The best part of my day... is right when I get home from and can sit on my ass and eat dinner while watching TV.


I really don't understand... how people think their resume make them quality. That resume doesn’t mean jack if you are a total piece of shit as a person. Amen.

I get really annoyed... when people lie to me and their pants don’t catch on fire! Someone needs to fix that shit!!

There's nothing like a... really strong margarita, or 2.

Lately, I can't get enough... bike jerseys at REI. Don’t hate!!


One thing I am NOT is... compulsive liar.

I spent too much money at... REI . For all the things.

I want to learn.... how to wind surf.


If I ever met Keanu Reeves in real life, I would... tell him he looks much hotter in real life, wink, and walk away. Oh wait, that actually happened. When I ran into his manager later that day he said he had never seen the look on his face after I said that to him. Hey, I don’t suffer from celebrity worship.

I can't stop... riding my bike to work. Love it.


Never have I ever... just had one serving of Cheetos, or stayed with a guy that lied to me. Just say no ladies!! To the liars, not the Cheetos.

Reese Witherspoon... needs to go back to blonde.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Some random stuff today

Hey there crazy people. I know its been a bit since I have written anything. What can I say…….I have been lazy. Hehehee.

So some new updates here in the life of Jill. I joined a training program with Atlanta track club to train for the Peachtree. And no, I will not be running that shit. You have lost your damn mind. This JLo butt will be walkin it. Like it’s hot. Holla!! The only bad thing about this 11 week fiasco is that I have to wake up at 6 on Saturdays. If you know me, you know I would rather junk punch someone that early than get out of bed. I told my coworker (that talked me into the damn thing) that there better be Starbucks at the end of this rainbow. Seriously.

I do need some running shoes. The ones I have are not gonna cut it on the pavement. Anyone that is super rich……feel free to donate to the cause. On another note…..a review on the brooks compression pants……they are awesome. I will be getting another pair ASAP. I have dropped a few pounds so I will be getting a smaller size. Sweet!!!

 So that is the word for now.

Dating tips for the week……..

1.       Guys……….don’t say you are an adventurer if you sit on the couch and play video games the WHOLE time. That will bore the shit out of any chick.

2.       Ladies………if a guy’s mommy is still doing his laundry……run like hell. No one wants a man-child still stuck on the teat.

Cheers & beers all!!!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Fill in the blank link-up

Ok, so it isn't really a link-up. I just thought these were pretty fun. Enjoy.

1. I laughed so hard I cried when... when I watched the movie Bridesmaids. Hilarious.
2. My high school...reunion is in 4 years. Couldn’t give 2 shits.  
3. It really pisses me off... People lie to me. Especially after they profess to be “honest and decent”. And when you tell walkers/runners “on your left” and they actually move……to their left. Morons!!
4. In ten years... I would like to happily married. Maybe with a rug-rat or 2 (gasp, yeah I just said that).
5. If I could erase one thing... redo my major in college to nutrition.
6. In 1999... I was a sophomore in college and weighed 128 lbs. Thanks to all of the martial arts. By this time next can bet your sweet ass I will be there again.
7. Honestly... this dating shit is for the birds. Shoot me now.
8. To me, Sushi... is awesome. Love it, and then some more.
9. Someone really needs to invent... a weight loss pill that actually works without side effects. And lie detector sunglasses. Someone get on that shit.
10. The first time I drank alcohol... I was 24. I really could care less. All of you gals in college that don’t remember those parties……I do. And you better be glad I didn’t have a camera phone back then.
11. The one question I would ask God is... I have been dating since I was 16. I am exhausted. Where the hell is my guy?

12. Lindsay Lohan... if everyone would just ignore her, she will eventually go away. Same with the Kardashians. Onecan only hope.
Cheers & beers!!!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

And.......we're back!!!

Ok, a word on the previous post….yes I deleted it. Sometimes I really just have to shake my head at some of the situations I get myself into. Ohy. Anyways we are back on track. I actually do want the whole love, marriage, kids, thing…….but with someone that actually means it when they say they want that with me. So back into the dating scene again. And yes, I will find the right guy for me. They kind of guy that makes me realize why none of the other relationships ever worked out before. That’s how you know. I digress.

So on the health front….the biking continues. My rides are getting a bit easier. Finally!!! I thought that shit would never happen. I finally broke out of the 190’s and still going. I did restart the gym membership because I need a bit of structure for my weight training. I do miss the pool too. Since I have kinda slacked off on the plant strong stuff in favor of watching my calories, I do need to add in more fruits and veggies. But I get full pretty quick and I honestly just don’t want to chew anymore damn it!! It might be time to really use the juicer to add in some nutrients with very few calories. Holla!!

The dogwood festival is this weekend so that should be fun. I will hang out with some new friends to check out a band as well. Cool beans. A friend is trying to get me to join the training for the Peachtree road race……I dunno. I would have to get up at 6am for the next however many Saturdays until the race. At some point I might end up punching someone in the face that early in the morning. Hahahaha. No, really, it could happen without caffeine. Be warned.

I ordered some new compression pants to stop the jiggle. Hahaha. Yeah I went there. Hey…….its annoying to work out and the fluff jiggles around. Ain’t  nobody got time fo dat. Hopefully I will get them by Friday. I will put on the skates soon as well. I miss skating. I think I need to start up a meet-up group for skating. Sounds like a good plan. So weight training on Friday (my arms will NOT thank me. At all) and all sorts of shenanigans this weekend.

Hope everyone has an awesome week.

Cheers & beers!!!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

A Call to Arms

Hey there crazy people. I am asking for a huge favor today and for the next few Thursdays. My favorite show is in danger of being canceled. Beauty and the Beast comes on Thursdays at 9pm on the CW. Now I am not one for the horrid shows that are geared to teenagers (The Vampire Diaries…..gag. How they keep getting renewed is beyond me). But this show is actually AWESOME!!! Of course when you have an excellent show the morons in charge want to cancel it. Figures.

So this is a call to arms for everyone. I am asking for a huge favor. Please watch the show, tell your friends and have them tell their friends to watch as well.  Hey it helps that the main guy in the show is a total hottie (he is from New Zealand and I am definitely in the wrong damn country). So please please please sit your ass on the couch and help a sista out here. If you want to watch the whole series you can watch it on hulu for free. Sweet!!
You can also send a letter to the CW president (I did) so he will stop being an asshat and keep a good show. A well written letter can make a HUGE difference here. More than you know.
Mark Pedowitz  (CW President)
3300 West Olive Avenue
Burbank, CA. 91505

Cheers and beers!!

P.S. if the show gets the green light for season 2 beers are on me!!

Check out the FB fan page here:!/beauty.beastfans

Check out the site on the CW page here:

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The Escape Plan

Ok its time for a plan. Not the what-diet-am-I-going-to-stick-to-this-week-plan. You know I have ADHD for any sort of diet plan. Seriously I can’t stick to shit for more than 24 hours. At least I am honest about it. Yes I am still working on my whole foods plant based lifestyle. It just doesn’t always happen at every meal (Publix fried chicken you are evil and the bane of my existence). I digress. So here is my “escape plan” I need a damn vacation. So the plan is to get to New Zealand in April 2014. Have you seen the hotties that come out of there? I am in the wrong damn country. Seriously. This should give me some time to get my ass in shape and save some cash. Feel free to donate to the cause. Kidding. Ok not really.

On another note….my brother has left for California. Yes I will miss my little bro, but I am glad he is getting to do what makes him happy. And yes I am SUPER jealous. Living a block from the beach must really suck. But my little bro has lived about ½ a mile from me for about 2 years. I will have to con someone else to go on weekend bike rides with me. Sad face. But hey, I have sky miles and I know how to use them.

That is my plan. Now it time to get back on my bike and get this junk off the trunk. Oh anyone want to join the trip? Let me know. The more the merrier.

Cheers & beers.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Some random things about me

Hey there everyone. How is life goin? I am just avoiding doing work so I decided to put up some random nonsense about me. Have fun reading. Reply with your own answers if you want.



1.      If calories didn't count, I would eat...  A bag of Cheetos and fried chicken EVERY SINGLE DAY. Oh and add a few beers too.

2.      On my Prom night....I went with a bunch of friends for my junior year and had way more fun then when I went with a date my senior year. But my dress for senior year was snake print (classy not trashy people. I am a fashion diva).

3.      When I go to the store, I always buy... Limes or tonic water for my drinks. Bad habit.

4.      Family functions typically... involve alcohol. And some sort of drama. You know who you are.

5.      I think my blog readers... are an awesome bunch of wing-nuts.

6.      I'd much rather New Zealand. Seriously have you seen the hotties from there? I am definitely in the wrong country. Let’s plan a trip (and maybe not come home). Oh yes.

7.      I have an obsession with.... the TV show Beauty & the Beast. Love it. You should watch it. Like NOW!!

8.      My work friends.... think I am slightly crazy and the one voted most likely to punch someone in the face if provoked. I really don’t agree. I am a ray of sunshine.

9.      When I created my Face book brother had to con me into it or I still would not have one. I was tricked.

10.  My least favorite word is... bitter, taders, wuz-up. Please stop using those. Mkay.

11.  I really don't remember....birthdays or most dates for stuff. Seriously. It’s a problem.

12.  Justin Bieber....if you can somehow “get rid of” the kardashians I will be your biggest fan. Otherwise I think you are a spoiled twat. And pull up your look like a fucking idiot.


Cheers & beers all!!!

Monday, March 18, 2013

The weekend update

Ok, I might have turned into a hermit lately. Kinda. I usually don’t leave my apartment unless I absolutely have to or for some junk food. Sad. I have been hiding out for the last week so the HUGE ass bruise on my leg/thigh will stop being sore. And it is finally getting better. Hell yeah!!!! I haven’t tried to get on the seat of my bike yet because of the knot around the area where they did the procedure. That is the only place that hurts when you touch it. And of course that is where the seat is going to rub against. Lucky me. So it might be a good idea to wait a few more days to get on the bike and really clean up my eating in the process. You don’t want to know how horrid my diet was this weekend. But hey…..there was no bacon or fried chicken. Progress!! Kinda.

I managed to hit the market on my way home from the follow-up with the heart doc this morning. I got some fruits and veggies so I will be testing out my juicer this evening. Oh yes.

There is something I have noticed about starbucks coffee…….the feeling of euphoria a bit after drinking some. I have tested this out with other coffee with little or no effect. I am not sure what they put in their stuff (crack) but it is an awesome. I will test out the Costa Rica coffee from the market tomorrow and see if I get the same effects. If not, I will just buy the damn starbucks stuff. I really don’t care. It is the same price as the stuff I get at the market. I would rather have the caffeine euphoria added for the same price. Priorities people!!

The heart doc cleared me for exercise and said to take it slow and progress. Ummmm yeahhhhhhh I miss my bike rides to work and not having to drive. Ok so I will take it slow and wear the heart rate monitor again and try to stay in the limits. This weekend I will get on the bike again to work up to a better level.

Ok that’s it for now.

Cheers & beers!!!