Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Problem solved........sorta

Well, I found out why my hair was falling out and it has been quite a bit harder riding the bike these days. Vitamin deficiencies. Multiple that is. And I am VERY low in vitamin D. The doc has a prescription supplement waiting for me. Joy. So I have invested in some multi-vitamins and will get a separate B12 pill as well. I am just glad that the issue was not my thyroid.  But this is mostly my fault anyways. I have been REALLY slacking on my fruit and veggie intake these days. I was at a point where I couldn't remember when the last time I had any plant food. So I am making a special effort into making sure I add some plant stuff into every meal and then some. My meals lately have consisted of mostly junk food. Ohy. This has had disastrous effects on my bloodsugar as well. I guess I am in the mindset that I bike, so I can eat junk. Now I am paying the price.

On a happier note.......heading to Chicago tomorrow with my mom and my brother. Should be fun. The weather isn't going to be that cold. Darn.

I slacked off and didn't ride my bike today because I have a gazillion errands to run before my flight tomorrow. Plus a stop for dinner at whole foods. Have to get in those veggies. I would really rather have fried chicken. Oh yes.


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