Wednesday, December 19, 2012

I should not answer questions before having coffee. Seriously.

I want a new bike. Not gonna lie on this one…..I REALLY want a new road bike. I currently ride a mountain bike and it is fine ……but the bike weights like 20 pounds. I get passed every single day by people on road bike and all I want to do is scream out “I hate you”!!! But really I am super jealous, there I admit it. I had hoped to be like 20+ pounds lighter by this point (not very realistic considering my horrid eating habits these days. Those resulted in some vitamin deficiencies. Joy.) I was thinking that by Christmas this would be super easy. Not so much. I still struggle EVERY. SINGLE. RIDE. The good news is that I have lost about 7 ponds since I started the 2nd week in October, but I wanted more damn it!!! I need to start incorporating better habits into my routine.

 I look forward to rain days that I don’t have to bike to work hehehe. Yes I really do. I enjoy biking, but I do not enjoy how my nose runs like a faucet when I bike in the cold. I go through a box of Kleenex every week I bike when it is cold. I am sure that cruising down the road with snot stringing down your face is super attractive (Dumber & Dumber style here)…….but super annoying. My pockets are full of Kleenex so it looks like I have waist boobs. Go ahead and laugh it looks funny.

 On another note……a fairly attractive guy started talking to me on the elevator this morning and asked if I had a good workout. And my reply…….”I actually bike to the train station every day …..and it sucks”. Apparently I am not a person for conversation or even simple questions before I have had my coffee. But he at least seemed impressed that I get in close to 9 miles a day. Hey buddy….I am impressed I haven’t run over anyone…yet. Let’s not even mention the fact that I was in my bike gear (ridiculous neon calf sleeves and jacket) and still feeling the icky sweat from my ride making my shirt stick to my back.  But anything worth doing is worth doing well. If you are gonna be sweaty and stink, then STANK and have that shit dripping down your face. Might as well run with it.

 And one more note……there is the hottest guy on the train some mornings. He is an exact replica (although a skinny version) of Jason Momoa. You know, the guy in Game of Thrones, and Conan the Barbarian, the recent one. Super hot. Just thought I would tell the whole damn world.


Monday, December 17, 2012

The dating diaries......oh hell I don't remember what number I am on

This weekend I got to catch up on some much needed sleep. I didn’t get to take the day after my vacation off (will always make sure I put that in ahead of time from now on). I was really dragging most of last week. It was really nice to sleep in for 2 days. I wish it could have been more. Falling asleep sitting up at your desk is usually frowned upon.  I really did absolutely nothing on Saturday except sit on my ass and watch movies all day. Absolutely awesome. I should have done that on Sunday when it was raining instead. I got soaked running errands yesterday. I did get to go see the hobbit though. It was pretty good. I am slightly annoyed that I will have to wait for the other 2 movies to come out to see how it ends. Boo.

 I did get something out of the blue though. A guy I dated during the summer sent me a message on facebook to call him. WARNING: FOUL LANGUAGE AHEAD. Now this guy was a “gem”. Hear that sarcasm? This gem was probably the worse guy I have ever had the unfortunate experience to date in my entire life (and a poster child for a manipulative compulsive liar to boot). And that is saying something, because I have dated some loosers. At first I thought it was something bad that he had to tell me (don’t want to ever have one of those phone calls). But it was one of those “I miss you and want to get back together” messages. Now……..this guy must be high off his ass if he thinks I ever want to see his face ever again.  No, I didn’t call him. Sent a text message “what the hell do you want?”. I would not be able to keep the foul language under wraps if I actually spoke to him (I usually pride myself on having a potty mouth that an Irish navy sailor would be proud of. But sometimes being nice will piss people off more, especially when they don’t get what they want, soooooo).  I took the high road and said that I didn’t want to see or hear from him again. Ever. I had to make that point multiple times. Why would you want to keep asking someone that if they keep saying they want nothing to do with you? What a moron. And he must think I am a complete fucking idiot if he thought I would EVER get back together with him. Insert Taylor Swift song here (ok, I can’t stand that chick. So if I am using her in a reference it is a good one. One of her ex’s should do a song “maybe its you” just sayin).  When I got the response I nearly fell off the couch laughing. I kinda half fell off to avoid the cat that was looking up at me like I was crazy.

I digress.   

This is one of those examples for not resorting to bad habits. There are good reasons why you are not with that person anymore, so why bother going back. I have learned that lesson too many times to count. With the same of even worse results. People really don’t change. So if it didn’t work before, it will not work the second time. I do believe the saying “once a cheater, always a cheater”. Granted there might be one exception to the rule, but I have yet to find it. If you are a compulsive liar, then you will probably always be one. And those are definitely the ones to avoid. Besides, if you have to lie …….you probably shouldn’t be with that person anyways. That one is not rocket science.

 Perhaps I will meet a good and decent guy one day….but I am not holding my breath on that one, not in this town. 

Cheers to all of you crazy peeps!!!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Chicago trip

Well, I would like to say that my trip to Chicago was a blast………but it was more like a bust. Let’s first say that I can only take my mom in small increments, and spending 5 days together really tried my nerves. Now, don’t get me wrong, I luvs my mum, but we are completely different people. But I digress. We stayed 2 blocks over from the “Magnificent Mile”. And trust me it is only magnificent if you are a shopaholic. The lights along the street were nice though. I am more of a foodie and experience person. My brother is the same way.
 We did get to see the museum and go to the zoo. Navy pier was a complete let-down. I did get to try the Chicago style pizza once (only because my brother and I left her at the mall). It was really good and worth a repeat if I can ever find it in Atlanta. I made 2, yes 2 , trips to Garrett’s popcorn. Oh my holy moly yummy crack rock popcorn. It is REALLY expensive but totally worth it. We didn’t get to try out many restaurants that I had heard about due to my mom’s MANY dietary “restrictions”. One example of that psycho behavior……..she only eats 2 meals a day, and gets annoyed when others don’t want to do the same.  We had to resort to eating dinner at Dick's Last Resort so mom could get a Pina Colada. Will never do that one again.


Anyways…..we got in a lot of walking. About 12 miles a day probably according to my brother. I have the blisters to prove it too. I really didn’t get much sleep so I am dragging and will probably be until the weekend. I have been taking my vitamins so hopefully the biking should feel a bit easier soon. One can only hope.


But all in all…..will not be going to Chicago again. It was just too boring. Cheers!!!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Problem solved........sorta

Well, I found out why my hair was falling out and it has been quite a bit harder riding the bike these days. Vitamin deficiencies. Multiple that is. And I am VERY low in vitamin D. The doc has a prescription supplement waiting for me. Joy. So I have invested in some multi-vitamins and will get a separate B12 pill as well. I am just glad that the issue was not my thyroid.  But this is mostly my fault anyways. I have been REALLY slacking on my fruit and veggie intake these days. I was at a point where I couldn't remember when the last time I had any plant food. So I am making a special effort into making sure I add some plant stuff into every meal and then some. My meals lately have consisted of mostly junk food. Ohy. This has had disastrous effects on my bloodsugar as well. I guess I am in the mindset that I bike, so I can eat junk. Now I am paying the price.

On a happier note.......heading to Chicago tomorrow with my mom and my brother. Should be fun. The weather isn't going to be that cold. Darn.

I slacked off and didn't ride my bike today because I have a gazillion errands to run before my flight tomorrow. Plus a stop for dinner at whole foods. Have to get in those veggies. I would really rather have fried chicken. Oh yes.
