Tuesday, September 4, 2012

A word on dating. vol. 1

I feel that after a few years on the dating scene I should impart some wisdom on my dear readers. Granted, I can give the best advise in the world, but people will do what they want to do no matter what anyone says. So here is the word for today:

Ladies..........you should run in the other direction if.......
1. the guy you are dating makes plans with you, but not only is a no-show, but doesn't bother to call and let you know he will not make it.
2. if a guy disappears for more than 2 days (when you had plans) and says that the cell phone was not working. Right. Do people really fall for that BS?
3. if a guy never invites you over to his place, even after you have been dating for a few weeks.
4. if a guy turns everything around so it will be your fault (for him standing you up). Really. Have heard this one before. Run , run, run.
5. compairs you to his ex. or is still on regular communication term with said ex.
6. if a guy casually mentions that his ex has been hinting at getting back together.

Yes....ladies run like there is a psycho clown holding a bloody knife chasing you!!!!!

And I have crafted some excellent responses for the above situations. Yes indeed.
***Disclaimer*** this language is not appropriate for children under 18. Read at your own risk.

1. delete this asshat from your phone and DO NOT respond to ANY messages.
2. "Riiiiiight". Repeat number 1.
3. there is a good chance he is married or lives with his girlfriend. RUN. and repeat number 1,
4.  the best response to this sort of emotional immaturity would be "I have already graduated highschool, perhaps you should do the same". see number 1.
5.  best response "then you should go back there and stop wasting my time". see number 1.
6. repeat the above option.

And lastly.....if a man has been engaged 3 times but never married......there is a VERY good reason. Well, actually there are 3.

Hope this helps someone, somewhere. Cheers!!!

* And no, this isn't a bitch session, just some random stories that I hear all too often. Life is too short to waste time with someone that doesn't treat you well. This goes for the ladies and guys too.

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