Hello all. Yes I am still alive. Kinda lol. So I know I have
been MIA for a bit. Things have been too crazy at work these days. Working 10-12
hour days on the norm has gotten old. Real old. So yes I have been looking
outside the Atlanta area for a much better higher paying jobby job. I have an
interview tomorrow for a position in Montana. Yes, Montana. The big perk ……….no
effing traffic. This traffic mess in Atlanta is rage inducing. I just can’t
take it anymore. Plus, I can get a house with a fenced in back yard for what I am
paying for a 2 bedroom apartment here. Plus that is more space for the
monsters. Its about a 45 minute drive to Yellowstone too. No I will absolutely
NOT be letting my dogs off leash to do any sort of hiking. They would try to
befriend a grizzly. Not a good idea.
On the diet front……..hahahahahahaha. who am I kidding? That’s
laughable. 10-12 hour days and a crap-ton of stress has earned me a 20 pound +
gain since march. I barely have time to sleep much less cook anything. So all
of you super humans that can do all that please feel free to bring me some
meals too. So if you have kids and can do all that shit…..I hate you. And my
dogs weigh more that all of your kids anyways J
Dating……Ain’t nobody go time fo dat. One of my neighbors
tells me every time he sees my dogs that I “ain’t got no husband because my dog
ate em”. And the dogs are too big and that is why I ain’t got no man too. Riiiiiiight. The more
guys I meet, the more I love the furry monsters. This is the same dude that
screams like a girl when my dogs get close to him. Hilarious. Every time. I am
not an evil person. Swear. Ok. Maybe a little.
So that’s what is going on in the life right now. Hey if
anyone wants to come on the road trip when I move please let me know. No lifting
required. Paying movers for all that nonsense. I will probably swing by Denver to
see my bro and the Nellduffs if I can.