Thursday, March 28, 2013

A Call to Arms

Hey there crazy people. I am asking for a huge favor today and for the next few Thursdays. My favorite show is in danger of being canceled. Beauty and the Beast comes on Thursdays at 9pm on the CW. Now I am not one for the horrid shows that are geared to teenagers (The Vampire Diaries…..gag. How they keep getting renewed is beyond me). But this show is actually AWESOME!!! Of course when you have an excellent show the morons in charge want to cancel it. Figures.

So this is a call to arms for everyone. I am asking for a huge favor. Please watch the show, tell your friends and have them tell their friends to watch as well.  Hey it helps that the main guy in the show is a total hottie (he is from New Zealand and I am definitely in the wrong damn country). So please please please sit your ass on the couch and help a sista out here. If you want to watch the whole series you can watch it on hulu for free. Sweet!!
You can also send a letter to the CW president (I did) so he will stop being an asshat and keep a good show. A well written letter can make a HUGE difference here. More than you know.
Mark Pedowitz  (CW President)
3300 West Olive Avenue
Burbank, CA. 91505

Cheers and beers!!

P.S. if the show gets the green light for season 2 beers are on me!!

Check out the FB fan page here:!/beauty.beastfans

Check out the site on the CW page here:

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The Escape Plan

Ok its time for a plan. Not the what-diet-am-I-going-to-stick-to-this-week-plan. You know I have ADHD for any sort of diet plan. Seriously I can’t stick to shit for more than 24 hours. At least I am honest about it. Yes I am still working on my whole foods plant based lifestyle. It just doesn’t always happen at every meal (Publix fried chicken you are evil and the bane of my existence). I digress. So here is my “escape plan” I need a damn vacation. So the plan is to get to New Zealand in April 2014. Have you seen the hotties that come out of there? I am in the wrong damn country. Seriously. This should give me some time to get my ass in shape and save some cash. Feel free to donate to the cause. Kidding. Ok not really.

On another note….my brother has left for California. Yes I will miss my little bro, but I am glad he is getting to do what makes him happy. And yes I am SUPER jealous. Living a block from the beach must really suck. But my little bro has lived about ½ a mile from me for about 2 years. I will have to con someone else to go on weekend bike rides with me. Sad face. But hey, I have sky miles and I know how to use them.

That is my plan. Now it time to get back on my bike and get this junk off the trunk. Oh anyone want to join the trip? Let me know. The more the merrier.

Cheers & beers.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Some random things about me

Hey there everyone. How is life goin? I am just avoiding doing work so I decided to put up some random nonsense about me. Have fun reading. Reply with your own answers if you want.



1.      If calories didn't count, I would eat...  A bag of Cheetos and fried chicken EVERY SINGLE DAY. Oh and add a few beers too.

2.      On my Prom night....I went with a bunch of friends for my junior year and had way more fun then when I went with a date my senior year. But my dress for senior year was snake print (classy not trashy people. I am a fashion diva).

3.      When I go to the store, I always buy... Limes or tonic water for my drinks. Bad habit.

4.      Family functions typically... involve alcohol. And some sort of drama. You know who you are.

5.      I think my blog readers... are an awesome bunch of wing-nuts.

6.      I'd much rather New Zealand. Seriously have you seen the hotties from there? I am definitely in the wrong country. Let’s plan a trip (and maybe not come home). Oh yes.

7.      I have an obsession with.... the TV show Beauty & the Beast. Love it. You should watch it. Like NOW!!

8.      My work friends.... think I am slightly crazy and the one voted most likely to punch someone in the face if provoked. I really don’t agree. I am a ray of sunshine.

9.      When I created my Face book brother had to con me into it or I still would not have one. I was tricked.

10.  My least favorite word is... bitter, taders, wuz-up. Please stop using those. Mkay.

11.  I really don't remember....birthdays or most dates for stuff. Seriously. It’s a problem.

12.  Justin Bieber....if you can somehow “get rid of” the kardashians I will be your biggest fan. Otherwise I think you are a spoiled twat. And pull up your look like a fucking idiot.


Cheers & beers all!!!

Monday, March 18, 2013

The weekend update

Ok, I might have turned into a hermit lately. Kinda. I usually don’t leave my apartment unless I absolutely have to or for some junk food. Sad. I have been hiding out for the last week so the HUGE ass bruise on my leg/thigh will stop being sore. And it is finally getting better. Hell yeah!!!! I haven’t tried to get on the seat of my bike yet because of the knot around the area where they did the procedure. That is the only place that hurts when you touch it. And of course that is where the seat is going to rub against. Lucky me. So it might be a good idea to wait a few more days to get on the bike and really clean up my eating in the process. You don’t want to know how horrid my diet was this weekend. But hey…..there was no bacon or fried chicken. Progress!! Kinda.

I managed to hit the market on my way home from the follow-up with the heart doc this morning. I got some fruits and veggies so I will be testing out my juicer this evening. Oh yes.

There is something I have noticed about starbucks coffee…….the feeling of euphoria a bit after drinking some. I have tested this out with other coffee with little or no effect. I am not sure what they put in their stuff (crack) but it is an awesome. I will test out the Costa Rica coffee from the market tomorrow and see if I get the same effects. If not, I will just buy the damn starbucks stuff. I really don’t care. It is the same price as the stuff I get at the market. I would rather have the caffeine euphoria added for the same price. Priorities people!!

The heart doc cleared me for exercise and said to take it slow and progress. Ummmm yeahhhhhhh I miss my bike rides to work and not having to drive. Ok so I will take it slow and wear the heart rate monitor again and try to stay in the limits. This weekend I will get on the bike again to work up to a better level.

Ok that’s it for now.

Cheers & beers!!!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Still here

Yes I am still alive. Although the bruise on my leg/thigh might disagree with that statement. So here is what’s been goin on…..last Friday I had a Cardiac Catheterization done on my heart to check things out. Some tightness in my chest and random dizziness prompted my cardiologist to go ahead and check things out. If you don’t know what that is Google it. Basically they put a wire through your femoral artery at your groin, pass the wire all the way up t o your heart, release some dye, and take pics of all the arteries and veins. Joy.  But hey, my heart is ok. So next is to see what the hell is causing me to get dizzy a lot. Hmmmmm. But the bruise, oh the damn bruise. It is huge. About the size of a volleyball at the upper leg/thigh/groin area. And yes it is really damn sore. Like I can’t even get on my bike right now sore. I have a pic of HALF of the bruise below. And before you freak the hell out I am NOT showing you any girl parts here. Sheesh. This is just the upper part of my leg/thigh/tree trunk. This bad boy might take a month or 2 to heal. Damn it.

On the food front……you may have noticed the no pics of my meals. To say I have fallen off the wagon may be an understatement. Perhaps I am trying to take on too much at once here. I do very well for breakfast and lunch, but by the time dinner rolls around I just want to stick my face in a bucket of fried chicken, or bacon. Yes, I may have a junk food addiction. Do they have groups for that?

So let’s start small and include 1 serving of a non-plant strong something per day and go from there. Baby steps. Eventually that can be crowded out by better foods. Hopefully this will curb my binge eating. One can only hope.

Hope everyone has an awesome weekend. I am not sure I will be going out for St Patty’s day. It hurts to walk still from the bruising.

Cheers & beers!!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Well.....what had happened was....

So my 30 days and 30 nights went bust. Like every single day. Ha!! Ok it’s kinda funny. So in order to make things a bit less complicated I have decided to just post what I eat daily. Now sometimes I forget to take the picture of the meal so don’t get your knickers in a wad. So for breakfast it was oatmeal made with hemp milk with a bit of brown sugar, coffee with soy milk (taste like ass by the way), and a few pecans.

For lunch (I forgot to take the picture) I had the lentil meatloaf I made for dinner last night with roasted potatoes. Lots of bbq sauce and ketchup for me. That’s how I like it. I did manage to make some carrot and apple juice yesterday and had a cup with lunch.

For dinner it is taco salad night. The salad has: lettuce, beans mixed with taco seasoning, tomatoes, jalapenos, corn, salsa, and avocado. I was bad and had some chili Fritos on top. Sue me. I did add a small glass of red wine to the meal. Awesomeness!!! Hope everyone has an awesome week. Holla!!